La palabra del día: Acervo hereditario

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Masculine noun. In Legal Spanish the acervo are all assets that belonged to a deceased person, and that must be presented before the judge who intervenes in the probate trial. It also called acervo hereditario or sucesorio. E.g.: Si usted no tiene cónyuge o hijos, sus familiares directos recibirán sus bienes y si no tiene familiares, el estado absorberá todo su acervo hereditario: If you have neither, your closest relatives will be the recipients, and if you have no relatives, your entire estate will be absorbed by the state. dc

La palabra del día: (H)ológrafo/a/s

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Adjective. Both ológrafo and hológrafo are valid. This word is used almost exclusively in Legal Spanish and it refers to a document, especially a will, entirely in the handwriting of the person whose act it purports to be. E.g.: Una seria laguna, que habrá que colmar cuanto antes y sobre la que ya en el pasado se insistió, es la falta del testamento ológrafo de un número considerable de militares: One serious gap in our archives that must be remedied as soon as possible involves the hand-written last wills and testaments of many of our military personnel. dc

La palabra del día: Flete

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Masculine noun. In Business Spanish, flete is the cost of the shift of goods in a transport vehicle. E.g.: Los costos de flete y los gastos de manipulación relacionados con la venta se incluyen como un componente de las ventas netas: Included as a component of net sales are freight costs and handling charges related to the sales.
The verb is fletar and means to contract a vehicle to ship goods: to charter a ship? dc

Las palabras del día: Político, política, políticas, policía & póliza.

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Since many of my students mix up these words, I decided to write a post on them. I hope it clarifies. Please, take the quiz at the end.
Político/a/s. Masculine and feminine noun: Person active in party politics, or a person holding or seeking an elected seat in government. E.g.: En algunos casos es casi imposible procesar a un político corrupto que ha escapado de la jurisdicción de un país: In some cases the challenge of prosecuting a corrupt politician who has escaped from a country’s jurisdiction is next to impossible.
Política/s. Feminine noun, usually in plural: Deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. E.g.: Política pública de gestión de sustancias, productos y residuos definida que establezca los criterios rectores claves para el desarrollo sustentable: A defined public policy for chemicals, substance and waste management which determines the key governing principles for sustainable development.
Política. Feminine singular noun: Activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power. E.g.: Ese evento me inspiró para seguir interesándome en la política: This inspired me to pursue my interest in politics.
Político/a/s. Adjective: Relating to the government or public affairs of a country. E.g.: En cualquier caso, es ilegal dotar de carácter legal a un texto de naturaleza política: In any case it is illegal to give legal character to a text of a political nature.
Policía. Feminine noun: Civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order. E.g.: De momento la policía no ha encontrado el móvil del asesinato: Police have so far not identified any motive for the killing.
Policía. Masculine noun: Male police agent. Also used el/un agente de policía.
Mujer policía. Feminine noun: Female police agent. Also used la/una (agente de) policía.
Póliza: Feminine noun: document detailing the terms and conditions of a contract of insurance. E.g.: Contrata una póliza de seguro flotante por los objetos que estas trasladando: Take out a floating insurance policy for the objects you are relocating. dc

1 / 7

1. Político/a/s (adj).

2 / 7

2. La política

Tres válidas

3 / 7

3. La policía

Dos válidas

4 / 7

4. Las políticas

Dos válidas

5 / 7

5. La póliza

6 / 7

6. El policía

7 / 7

7. El político

Your score is

La palabra del día: Preaviso

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Masculine noun. Communication that must be made in a mandatory way before the completion of certain actions. The most common use of the concept is in the workplace. The preaviso appears, for example, when one of the parties who have signed an employment contract decides to terminate it. E.g.: La CS-SIS informará automáticamente a los Estados miembros de la supresión programada de datos del sistema, con un preaviso de cuatro meses: The CS-SIS shall automatically inform the Member States of scheduled deletion of data from the system four months in advance. dc

La palabra del día: Sentencia firme

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Feminine noun. In Legal Spanish a sentencia firme is a judgment against which no appeal can be filed, either because the law does not provide for it, or because, being provided, the legally established period has elapsed without any of the parties having presented it. In criminal proceedings it is also used the expression condena firme. E.g.: Las exclusiones de más de cinco años deben aplicarse únicamente en virtud de sentencia firme: Exclusions for more than five years should take place only on the basis of an unappealable judgment.
The verb used here is quedar firme. E.g.: Esta sentencia solo fue notificada mediante edicto de 17 de octubre de 2020 y quedó firme el 24 de octubre del mismo año: This decision was notified by edict only on 17 October 2020, and became final on 24 October 2020. dc

La palabra del día: Acrecer

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Verb. Said of a participant: to receive the increase that corresponds to them when another participant loses their quota or renounces it. E.g.: Además también otorgan derecho de acrecer en proporción a las acciones que hayan suscripto en cada oportunidad: Such shares also give rights to increase the holding in proportion to the shares subscribed on each occasion. dc

La expresión del día: En firme

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Adverbial locution. This expression is almost exclusively used in legal contexts and it can be translated as definitely, firm. E.g.: La Comisión Europea no ha realizado hoy ninguna propuesta en firme sobre cifras presupuestarias para los próximos años: The European Commission has not made any firm proposals today about budget figures for the next few years. dc

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