La palabra del día: Abonar

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Verb. From the Latin ad bonum, towars the good, to make good. In Business Spanish it means to to give an amount of money as payment for something. The noun, rarely used, is el abono; we prefer el pago or la cancelación. E.g.: Los productores y ganaderos deben abonar el saldo de los costes de fabricación y entrega: Producers and animal keepers will pay the balance of the manufacturing and delivery costs.
Abono also means fertilizer or compost and abonar to fertilize. It makes sense, as it’s all about making good. dc

La palabra del día: Inversión

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Feminine noun. In Business Spanish, inversión refers to the action of spending an amount of money on something to make a profit. E.g.: La inversión privada ha aumentado y el desempleo ha disminuido: Private investment has risen and unemployment has declined.
The verb is invertir. E.g.: Se especializan en clientes con grandes cuentas (el saldo mínimo varía) que desean que su dinero se invierta y gestione a largo plazo: They specialize in clients with large accounts (the minimum balance varies) who want their money invested and managed for the long term. And the the person is el inversor, la inversora ; it is also accepted el/la inversionista.
By the way, inversión also means inversion and invertir invert. dc

La palabra del día: Dictar

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Verb. In Legal Spanish dictar means give, issue, pronounce laws, rulings, precepts and classes. We use this verb especially for sentences, judgments and laws. E.g.: …el Tribunal Superior no juzgó necesaria ninguna de ambas opciones para dictar sentencia: …the High Court did not find either of these options necessary for it to give judgment. El Congreso Nacional no puede dictar leyes que restrinjan la libertad de imprenta o establezcan sobre ella jurisdicción federal: Congress is not entitled to enact laws that could restrict the freedom of the press or establish federal jurisdiction on such freedom.
Naturally, this verb also means to dictate. dc

La palabra del día: Amortizar

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Verb. From the medieval Latin admortizare, something like to slowly induce death to a debt. It is a word used in business and it means to recover or compensate the funds invested, and to redeem or extinguish the capital of a loan or other debt. E.g.: Este factor permite amortizar los costes de compra en un tiempo mínimo: As a result, the cost of acquisition pays for itself in a very short time.
The noun is la amortización and in a balance sheet it also means depreciation. dc

Las palabras del día: Mayorista & Minorista

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Adjectives. In Business Spanish, mayorista means that sells or buys wholesale; and minorista means that sells at retail. E.g: Los precios de los mercados mayoristas son más estables: Prices in wholesale markets are more stable; El comercio minorista viene registrando un crecimiento medio del 5% desde junio: Retail business has registered an average growth of 5% since June.
Feminine and masculine noun. Mayorista and minorista mean wholesaler and retailer respectively.
Please note that these words can be used with any kind of trade: supermercado/banco/zapatería mayorista/minorista. dc

La palabra del día: Interponer

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Verb. From the Latin interponĕre, to place between two or more things.
In Legal Spanish this verb means to formalize by means of a motion any legal resources, such as annulment, appeal, etc. E.g: Esto significa interponer una protesta en la Oficina Europea de Patentes: This means lodging a firm objection with the European Patent Office; …para interponer una acción ante un órgano de apelación u otro órgano revisor establecido en el marco de la Oficina: …for an action before a board of appeal or other review body constituted in the framework of the Office. In Mexico they use the verb promover with exactly the same meaning.
The noun is la interposición. dc

La palabra del día: Acudir

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This verb is usually used in a formal register and it has several meanings somehow contradictory: 1. To go to a place where one is called. E.g.: Acudió a la llamada del juez: He/She attended the summons of the judge. 2. To go somewhere or to attend something with frequency. E.g.: Los jueves acude a la ópera: He/she goes to the opera on Thursdays. 3. To go to the aid of someone. E.g.: Acudió al accidentado: He/She assisted the injured. 4. To call someone for help. E.g.: Acudir al policía: To ask to the police agent for help. 5. To use something for a purpose. In this case is also possible to use recurrir. E.g.: Acudir/recurrir a los tribunales: To go to court. Tricky, isn’t it? Ask me for help with your Spanish. dc

La palara del día: Parte

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Masculine and Feminine noun. From the Latin pars and partis, portion of a whole.
In legal and business Spanish…
a) as a feminine noun, la parte is the person litigating in a lawsuit. E.g.: En este caso, la parte demandada será informada de ello sin dilación tras la ejecución de las medidas: In the event of this happening, the defendant shall be so informed without delay after the execution of the measures.
b) as a masculine noun, el parte is a formal communication or written document, usually brief, that by any means is sent to someone to communicate something. E.g.: si el parte de accidente no se completa, los daños serán cargados directamente al cliente: if the accident report is not filled in, the damages will be charged directly to the client. dc

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