Las palabras del día: Sucursal & Filial

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Sucursal. Feminine noun. Establishment located in a different place than the central one on which it depends that performs the same functions as this one. E.g.: Tarjeta Lider Bci lanza nuevo formato de sucursal: Tendrá kiosco de autoatención: Lider Bci card launches new branch format: It will have a self-service kiosk.
Flilial. Adjective, also used as a feminine noun. Company owned or controlled by another company called empresa matriz. E.g.: Así pues, la presión fiscal efectiva de una filial de una empresa matriz en un país depende esencialmente de dónde esté situada dicha filial: Thus, the effective tax burden of a subsidiary of a parent company in one country depends crucially on where that subsidiary is located.
Please note that the term rama (branch), usually followed by the adjective local, can also be used but not in a business context: Una rama local del llamado Estado Islámico se declaró culpable de los ataques: A local branch of the so-called Islamic State pleaded guilty to the attacks. dc

La palabra del día: Foráneo/a

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Adjective. Foreign, strange. From the Latin foraneus (external, from outside), and this one from foras (outside). With the same root we have the terms, fuera (adverb), afuera (adverb), afueras (feminine plural noun), forastero (adjective mainly used as a noun), etc. The latin term forum, from which we have foro, refers to an external public place. Remember that the term ‘foreing currency’ is usually translated into Spanish as divisa extranjera, although I think the adjective extranjera in this case is redundant, as the term divisa refers always to a foreign currency. That’s why we say mercado de divisas: forex market.
In legal and business Spanish, we will see this term in expressions such as ley foránea, juez foráneo, derecho foráneo, inversiones foráneas, etc.: E.g.: Creció inversión foránea 2.6% en primer semester: Foreign investment grew 2.6% in the first semester.
On another note, we have an interesting term with the same root: huraño: bearish, shy; but I cannot find the connection. dc

La palabra del día: Divisa

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Feminine noun. Foreign currency referred to the unit of the country in question. Usually used in plural. E.g.: Dólar hoy: a cuánto abrió la divisa el martes 24 de agosto: Dollar today: how much the currency opened at on Tuesday, August 24.
We have the term mercado de divisas: forex market.
We also have the verb divisar, ’to spot, to perceive’, but it is not relatated to the noun divisa. By the way, the English verb ‘to devise’ is translated into Spanish as inventar, crear, planear. dc

La palabra del día: Adquirir

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Verb. To make your own a right or thing that belongs to no one or that is transmitted for a price, or by adverse possession. E.g.: El gerente adquirió nuevos muebles para la oficina: The manager bought new furniture for the office.
The noun is la adquisición and the person is el/la adquirente. dc

La palabra del día: Embargo

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Masculine noun. In legal Spanish, an embargo is a withholding, locking or seizure of assets by order of a judge or competent authority. E.g.: El tribunal ordenó el embargo de los bienes de la compañía: The court ordered the seizure of the company’s assets. The verb is embargar.
In Politics, an embargo is a prohibition of the trade and transport of weapons or other useful effects for war, decreed by a government or International Organization. E.g.: El embargo de armas amplio contra Somalia todavía está en vigor: The comprehensive arms embargo on Somalia is still in effect.
Another meaning of the word embargo, in desuse, is ‘damage, discomfort’. Sin embargo then can be translated ‘without damage/discomfort’, better know in English as ‘however’. dc

El concepto del día: Tipos de interés

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Masculine noun, usually in plural. Also called tasa de interés, femenine noun, usually in plural. It is the price of money, that is, it is the price to pay for using an amount of money during a certain time. Its value indicates the percentage of interest that must be paid as consideration for using a certain amount of money in a financial operation. E.g.: Utilice nuestro consejos y los artículos para elegir la mejor hipoteca con los tipos de interés más baratos: Use our advice and articles to choose the best mortgage with the cheapest interest rates.
On another note, ‘tax rates’ is usually translated as tipo impositivo or tasa impositiva. dc

La palabra del día: Medidas cautelares

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Procedural instrument of a precautionary nature that the court adopts, ex officio or at the request of the parties, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the judicial decision by preserving, preventing or ensuring the rights and interests that must be elucidated in the process. E.g.: Esta autorización es independiente del proceso de revisión del acto ejecutado, o de las medidas cautelares que puedan adoptarse: This authorization is independent of the process of reviewing the decision or of any precautionary measures that may be adopted.
The lexical expressions are requerir/solicitar medidas cautelares, if the subject is the requestant; and ordenar medidas cautelares, if the subject is the judge. dc

La palabra del día: Endosar

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Verb. Assign a bill of exchange or other credit document issued to the order in favor of someone, thus stating it signing on the back (dorso). E.g.: Para reintegrar dinero de tu cuenta puedes rellenar un módulo en la ventanilla de tu banco, endosa un cheque a “Yo mismo” o usar la tarjeta de débito: To withdraw money you can fill out a form at the bank counter, write a check to “myself” or use the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM). The noun is el endoso.
This verb can also be translated as ‘to back’ an idea, a proposal, a candidate, etc.; and it makes sense as dorso means back. From dorso we have dorsal a masculine noun and also an adjective in Spanish. dc

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