La palabra del día: Adjudicatario/a

Masculine and feminine noun. In Legal Spanish, this term is used in Civil and Administrative Law and it refers to the person who offers the last and highest bid in a public auction sale of a piece of furniture or a property and to any person recipient of an award. E.g.: El Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas del contrato recoge que la empresa adjudicataria deberá hacerse cargo del suministro de moqueta ferial con determinadas características: The Technical Specification Sheet of the contract states that the winning company must be in charge of the supply of carpet for the trade fair with certain characteristics.
The award is called la adjudicación and the verb is adjudicar. E.g.: El Pentágono cancela un contrato multimillonario con Microsoft tras su polémica adjudicación: Pentagon cancels multi-million dollar contract with Microsoft after controversial award; Pájara, a punto de adjudicar 1,5 millones en obras para “dotar de servicios mínimos” a la urbanización de La Pared: Pájara, about to award 1.5 million in works to “provide minimum services” to the urbanization of La Pared. dc

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