La palabra del día: Menoscabar

The verb “menoscabar” derives from the combination of “menos” (meaning “less” or “smaller”) and “cabo” (an archaic term meaning “to finish” or “to complete”). You might recognize this root in expressions like “al fin y al cabo” (at the end of the day) or “al cabo de 10 días” (after 10 days) or in Ciudad del Cabo (Cape Town). Together, “menoscabar” implies the act of reducing or lessening something, whether in value, strength, or integrity. This etymological root highlights the term’s role in describing harm or diminishment.

Use in Legal Context
In legal Spanish, “menoscabar” is a formal term used to describe actions that harm, impair, or undermine rights, dignity, or property. It is frequently found in legal texts, contracts, and proceedings, particularly when addressing damages, defamation, or violations of rights.

Examples and Translations
Human Rights Violations
“Cualquier acción que menoscabe los derechos humanos será considerada una violación del derecho internacional.”
Translation: “Any action that undermines human rights will be considered a violation of international law.”

Employment Law
“Los empleadores tienen prohibido tomar medidas que menoscaben la dignidad de los trabajadores.”
Translation: “Employers are prohibited from taking measures that undermine workers’ dignity.”

Defamation and Reputation
“El artículo publicado menoscabó gravemente la reputación del político, quien presentó una demanda por difamación.”
Translation: “The published article severely undermined the politician’s reputation, who filed a defamation lawsuit.”

Property Law
“El tribunal determinó que las construcciones ilegales habían menoscabado el valor de la propiedad vecina.”
Translation: “The court ruled that the illegal constructions had diminished the value of the neighboring property.”

Related Noun: Menoscabo
The masculine noun “el menoscabo” refers to the harm, damage, or impairment itself. It is a key term in legal discourse to specify the negative effects caused by an action.

“Sin menoscabo de” – Without prejudice to
Example: “Se adoptarán medidas sin menoscabo de los derechos de las partes afectadas.”
Translation: “Measures will be taken without prejudice to the rights of the affected parties.”

“Menoscabo patrimonial” – Financial harm or loss
Example: “El fraude resultó en un importante menoscabo patrimonial para la empresa.”
Translation: “The fraud resulted in significant financial harm to the company.” dc

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