La palabra del día: Prenda

Feminine noun. Movable thing that is especially subject to security or compliance with an obligation. The right on that movable thing is called derecho de prenda. E.g.: Estas acciones se encuentran gravadas con el derecho real de prenda a favor de “CHUBB Argentina de Seguros S.A.” con motivo del contrato…: These shares have been pledged in favor of “CHUBB Argentina de Seguros S.A.” in security of the contract…
The verb is prendar. Curioulsy, in more generic Spanish, prendar can be translated as ‘to captivate, to fascinate’. E.g.: Ya aquel primer día quedé medio prendado de ella: From then on everything about the girl captivated me. I can see a link between both meanings.
By the way, una prenda is also an item of clothing. dc

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