La palabra del día: Trámite

Masculine noun. Trámite refers to each of the steps and procedures that must be followed in an issue until its conclusion. The lexical phrase is hacer trámites. E.g.: Es responsabilidad del cliente de hacer los tramites de daño a la mercancía con su compañía de transportación: It is the customer’s responsibility to file damage claims with the carrier; De esta forma, el trámite resulta más ágil y sencillo para usted: This makes processing your mortgage easier and more convenient for you.
The verb is tramitar. E.g.: Sin embargo, esos organismos exigen al UNFPA que pague por adelantado antes de tramitar sus solicitudes de adquisición: However, those agencies require UNFPA to make an advance payment before they process procurement requests. Another lexical expression, very much used in a administrative context, is admitir a trámite: to admit to procedures. A synonym of trámite is gestión: hacer gestiones. dc

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