La palabra del día: Mercancía

Online Spanish Course

Feminine noun. Usually in singular. Movable thing that is the object of trade or sale. E.g.: Forma de envío – ¿cómo es despachada mi mercancía?: Mode of despatch – how will my products be forwarded?.
Even if this noun is used as a singular, it can refer to a plural concept; for example, several boxes of cigarettes can be called simply mercancía. I would recommend to use it as a singular noun if the goods are all the same, all cigaretes, but if the goods are cigarettes and chocolates, I think it is more appropriate to call them mercancías, although, the singular form is still valid. dc

La palabra del día: Habilitación

Online Spanish Course

Feminine noun. Authorization that is granted to carry out certain acts. E.g.: El costo de obtener la habilitación, que toma alrededor de una semana, depende del tipo de empresa: The cost of obtaining approval, which takes about a week, depends on the type of enterprise.
The verb is habilitar. E.g.: Puede elegir cuáles servicios de envío desea habilitar: You have the ability to choose which shipping services you want to enable.
In the other hand, inhabilitación is the penalty consisting of the deprivation of honors, jobs and public offices, of the exercise of a profession, industry or trade, or of the rights of parental authority, guardianship, curatorship or foster care, the right to passive suffrage or any other right. E.g.: Román Martín deja la Alcaldía tras confirmarse su inhabilitación: Román Martín leaves the Mayor’s Office after his disqualification is confirmed. dc

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