La palabra del día: Acta

Feminine noun. An acta is a written record of what happened, treated or agreed in a meeting. The verb we use with this noun is always levantar, as we are in front of a lexical combination. E.g.: El presidente se encargará de levantar acta de las reuniones: The chairperson is responsible for the compilation in a report of an accurate summary record of the meetings.
Note that the singular determinate and indeterminate articles we use with acta are always the masculine el and un: El acta, un acta. This is because of the combination of two reasons: 1. acta is a feminine noun starting with a tónica (with the stress in the a); 2. In Spanish we do not have apostrophe. In the plural form the articles revert to the feminine form: las actas, unas actas. In amiga, we say la amiga because the stress is not in the first a but in the i.
Remember, acta is always a feminine noun, even with the masculine article in front of it. E.g.: El acta complementaria. As far as I know, in Spanish we have just one word which is masculine in the singular and feminine in the plural; arte: el arte español del Siglo de Oro, las Bellas Artes.
By the way, el acto, masculine noun, is a completely different thing. dc

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