La palabra del día: Capital inversión

Masculine noun. Capital inversión is a type of financial activity that consists of the acquisition, by a specialized entity, of the majority package of shares of a company. The investment capital entity thus becomes the majority owner of the company, usually temporarily, since after a while the sale of the purchased shares is usually carried out. E.g.: El sector incluye los fondos de inversión libre y los fondos de capital inversión, así como los fondos inmobiliarios, los fondos de materias… The sector includes hedge funds and private equity, as well as real estate funds, commodity funds, infrastructure fund. As you can see, in Spanish capital inversion refers to the activity and not to the entity, in this case we say fondo de capital inversion.
A grammar point: This is a new term and it breaks the Spanish grammar rule that two nouns cannot be together. I would use capital de inversión or capital-inversión but I must admit that capital inversion is the expression generally used in the field. dc

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