La palabra del día: Plazo

Masculine noun. From the Latin placitum, pleasant for all, agreed, adjusted. In its current use, plazo comes from dies placitus, agreed day.
In Legal Spanish, plazo refers to the term or time designated for something. We use it in expressions such as corto/mediano/largo plazo: short/medium/long-term. E.g: También incluye plazo a término para los permisos de registro: It also includes a due date for registration permits.
From plazo we have the verb aplazar: to postpone; and emplazar: to summon the defendant indicating the period within which they will need to appear at the trial to exercise their defences, exceptions or counterclaims. The action of aplazar is called aplazamiento and of emplazar is called emplazamiento (masculine noun); Entre el emplazamiento del demandado y la audiencia, deben mediar por lo menos tres días, término que será ampliado en razón de la distancia: There must be at least three days between the issuing of the summons to the respondent and the hearing, based on distances. The person who emplaza is called emplazante. This verb can also be reflexive: emplazarse: to give each other a term; e.g.: Rusia y Ucrania se emplazan a seguir negociando mientras el Kremlin intensifica su ofensiva. dc

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