La palabra del día: Vigente

Adjective. From the Latin vigentis; which is in force. Said of a law, an ordinance, a style or a custom: that is in force and observance.
We use it in expression such as ley vigente: current law; contrato vigente: current contract; constitución vigente: current constitution. E.g: La legislación vigente no brinda suficiente protección a las ballenas: The current legislation gives insufficient protection for whales; Las leyes aprobadas hace dos años aún siguen vigentes: The laws passed two years ago still remain in force; La legislación vigente otorga varios derechos a los ciudadanos: The standing legislation grants several rights to the citizens.
It is also possible to say en vigor, but it is less common in the professional field. ley en vigor, contrato en vigor, constitución en vigor.
The noun is la vigencia. dc

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