La palabra del día: Perito/a

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Adjective, mainly used as a noun. Expert or knowledgeable in something. As a noun, in Legal Spanish we use this term to make reference to the expert who gives evidence in a hearing (audiencia pericial) or by a document (informe pericial). E.g.: Homicidio de Tino John: Un perito afirma que no hubo enfrentamiento: Homicide of Tino John: An expert witness affirms that there was no confrontation.
The adjective is pericial and the verb is peritar: to judge expertly.
My country has a famous glacier in the South called Perito Moreno. When I was a child, I assumed that Perito was the Christian name of a chap called Moreno, or a version of Pedrito (Pete), after all everybody called my father Pierino (Pete in Italian); but no, Mr. Moreno was an Argentine explorer who in 1902 was appointed perito, in which capacity he disproved Chilean claims to the continental divide in the Southern Cone and he was awarded with a glacier named after him. His name was Francisco Pancracio Moreno. I guess you understand why we prefer to call him just Perito. dc

La palabra del día: Adjudicar

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Verb. To assign or attribute something to a person or thing. E.g.: Registraduría adjudicó por $1,23 billones la licitación para organización de elecciones: The Registrar’s Office awarded the tender for the organization of elections for $ 1.23 billion.
The noun is la adjudicación: Transporte urbano: Austin quiere conocer el criterio de adjudicación a la empresa Ceferino: City transport: Austin wants to know the award criteria to the Ceferino company. The person is el/la adjudicatario/a: E.g.: TraficoPort S.L., adjudicataria provisional del servicio de coordinación del Puerto: TraficoPort S.L., provisional awardee of the Port coordination service. dc

La palabra del día: Auditoría

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Feminine noun. From the Latin verb audire, which means ‘ to hear’, which in turn has its origin in the first auditors who exercised their function judging the truth or falsehood of what was submitted to their verification, mainly by observing. Generally, it is the action of verifying that a certain event or circumstance occurs according to plan, but if we talk about the auditoría in an organization, it refers to the tests carried out on financial, operational or administrative information with based on compliance with legal or tax obligations, as well as the policies and guidelines established by the entity itself according to the way it operates and is administered. An Auditoría can also be the department inside an organization with those functions.
E.g.: Auditoría del Edomex reportó irregularidades por 15,000 mdp, más del 10% relacionadas con el Salario Rosa: Edomex audit reported irregularities for 15,000 million pesos, more than 10% related to the Pink Salary.
The person is called el/la auditor/a and the ver is auditar: auditar las cuentas. dc

La palabra del día: Historial de crédito

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Masculine noun. Also called historial crediticio and reporte de crédito. Report that details the most relevant information about the financial profile of a natural or legal person. Therefore, it provides information of interest on aspects related to the solvency of the person who is going to request a loan or to enter into a contract. E.g.: Cómo conseguir una hipoteca o préstamo personal aún teniendo mal historial crediticio: How to get a mortgage or personal loan even with bad credit history. dc

La palabra del día: Adjudicatario/a

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Masculine and feminine noun. In Legal Spanish, this term is used in Civil and Administrative Law and it refers to the person who offers the last and highest bid in a public auction sale of a piece of furniture or a property and to any person recipient of an award. E.g.: El Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas del contrato recoge que la empresa adjudicataria deberá hacerse cargo del suministro de moqueta ferial con determinadas características: The Technical Specification Sheet of the contract states that the winning company must be in charge of the supply of carpet for the trade fair with certain characteristics.
The award is called la adjudicación and the verb is adjudicar. E.g.: El Pentágono cancela un contrato multimillonario con Microsoft tras su polémica adjudicación: Pentagon cancels multi-million dollar contract with Microsoft after controversial award; Pájara, a punto de adjudicar 1,5 millones en obras para “dotar de servicios mínimos” a la urbanización de La Pared: Pájara, about to award 1.5 million in works to “provide minimum services” to the urbanization of La Pared. dc

La palabra del día: Denegar

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Verb. Not granting what is asked or requested. E.g.: Gobierno denegó permiso de trabajo a periodista estadounidense de medio digital El Faro: Government denied work permit to US journalist from online newspaper El Faro.
The noun is la denegación. As you can see, denegar derives from negar: to deny, reject. In this case the noun is la negación. Both adjectives are denegable and negable. What is the main difference between negar and denegar? The actor of the verb denegar is an authority, and what is being denied is something which is in the power of that authority to concede. dc

La palabra del día: Subsanar

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Verb. This term has the same root of sanar, sano: to heal, healthy. It is almost exclusively used in a legal context and it has two different meanings somehow related: 1. To repair or remedy a defect. E.g.: El problema de los uniformes para criollos van a Tokio se subsanó: The problem of uniforms for Dominican athlets going to Tokyo was corrected. 2. To compensate a damage. E.g.: Siempre resulta más barato evitar o prevenir el fraude que intentar subsanar los daños a posteriori y a un elevado coste: It is always cheaper to avoid or prevent fraud than it is to attempt, after the event and at great expense, to put things right.
In both cases the noun is la subsanación. dc