La palabra del día: Emparejar

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Verb. This term has several meaning an all of them somehow related. I am sure it must have the same root of par (pair) and if you check in the dictionary you will see it translated as ‘to match, to pair’. In Economics, emparejar means ‘to bring something on a level with something else’. E.g.: Ya hay 170 empresas comprometidas para emparejar los sueldos en Chile: There are already 170 companies committed to pair up salaries in Chile (between genders).
The noun is el emparejamiento and the adjective is parejo/a/s: equal. A noun with the same root is pareja: partner (in life, board games, cards, etc.) dc

La palabra del día: Traslado

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Masculine noun. In Legal Spanish, we call traslado the notification of judicial writings that one of the parties must make to the other. For example, the traslado of the claim is the communication that the defendant receives of what is imputed or claimed, in order to be able to make exceptions if there were any. E.g.: Una vez sea realizada la evaluación, se debe dar traslado por un día para presentar observaciones: Once the assessment is carried out for one day it must be studied in order to make observations.
The lexical locution is dar traslado or, if you are really pompous, conferir traslado. From the point of view of the party who is being notified, the lexical locution is recibir traslado. What is the main difference between the expressions notificar and dar traslado?: The party who recibe traslado has the right to make expceptions in a due term. Notificar is a more generic word that not necessarily implies the right to make exceptions or observations. We introduce the term in wich the other party has to make exceptions with the preposition por: Dar traslado por 10 días.
By the way, trasladar(se) also means to move a house, a firm, etc., and the noun is also el tralsado. dc

La palabra del día: Devengación

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Feminine noun. This term is used almost exclusively in a legal context and it refers to the acquisition of the right to some perception or remuneration for reasons of work, service or other title. The verb is devengar. E.g.: CGR determinó que no procede devengar obligación de pagar bienes y servicios que no se han recibido conforme: The National Audit Office determined that it is not appropriate to accrue an obligation to pay for goods and services that have not been received in accordance.
We also use these terms with the expressions devengar intereses and devengación de intereses: to accrue interest, interest accrual. The adjective is devengado/a/s: intereses devengados: accrued interests. dc

La palabra del día: Reivindicar

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Verb. This term has three main meanings: 1. To claim something to which one thinks one is entitled. E.g.: Itaembé Guazú: con múltiples actividades reivindicaron los derechos de la niñez y la juventud: Itaembé Guazú: with multiple activities they called for the rights of children and youth. 2. To argue in favor of something or someone. E.g.: Alberto Fernández reivindicó la rebeldía de los jóvenes: “Los necesito movilizados”: Alberto Fernández advocated the rebellion of the youth: “I need you mobilized”. 3. To claim the authorship of an action for oneself. E.g.: Talibanes de Pakistán reivindican atentado que dejó cuatro muertos cerca de frontera afgana: Pakistan Talibans claim responsibility for attack that left four dead near Afghan border.
The noun is la reivindicación and the adjective reivindicativo/a. dc

La palabra del día: Opa

Singular feminine noun. Public offering aimed at the partners of a company listed on the stock market proposing the acquisition of their shares in specified terms and conditions. E.g.: El Gobierno aprueba con condiciones la opa de IFM sobre el 22,7% de Naturgy: The Government approves with conditions the IFM takeover bid for the 22.7% of Naturgy.
As you can see, opa is acronym and it stands for Oferta Pública de Adquisición. Of course, we do not have a verb for this noun. The lexical expression is hacer una opa.
On a different note, in my country, opa is an old-fashioned adjective, usually used as a noun, that means something like idiot, stupid. It is actually pretty offensive. So, do not mix up hacer una opa with hacerse el opa. dc

La palabra del día: Pujar

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Verb. This term has lots of different meanings and all of them somehow related to making force or trying to overcome an obstacle. For example, pujar is what a a woman does when is delivering a baby. In this case the noun is el pujo. E.g.: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los pujos del parto: Everything you need to know about labor pushes. We can guess the same origin of empjuar: to push.
But this blog is about Legal & Business Spanish and in Business Spanish pujar has a rather different meaning: to increase the price put to something that is auctioned. E.g.: Mecenas de Xàtiva compran la ‘Inmaculada’ por la que nadie pujó: Patrons of Xàtiva buy the ‘Immaculate’ for which nobody bid. In this case the noun is la puja. E.g.: El Huesca y el Swansea se unen a la puja por Peybernes: Huesca and Swansea join the bid for Peybernes. We are still somehow speaking about pushing prices up. dc

La palabra del día: Gravamen

Online Spanish for Lawyers & Business

Masculine noun. Tax that is applied on a property, a property or the wealth of a person. E.g.: Se introduce un gravamen del 5 % del valor catastral para aquellas sociedades que posean inmuebles en nuestro país: a tax of 5% of the cadastral value is introduced for those companies that own real estate in our country.
The verb is gravar. E.g.: El Gobierno busca gravar la leche y la oposición salió al cruce: The Government seeks to tax milk and the opposition criticized it. dc

La palabra del día: Requisitos

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Masculine noun, usually in plural. Circumstance or condition necessary for something. E.g.: Plan para terminar con los requisitos legales para las mascarillas el 19 de junio: Plan to end legal requirements for masks on June 19.
The verb is requerir: to request. Another verb with the same root is requisar (to confiscate) although their meanings are not related. The noun of requisar is la requisición. dc